How to fix not being able to connect to Kobo e-reader on Linux.

I’ve owned a Kobo Forma for a few years now and I love it. My biggest issues with the device always come from trying to connect to it to upload new books. Of course, I never connect it to wifi, I just upload PDFs I’ve downloaded and Epubs from

I can’t connect to my Kobo e-reader Linux

This is a frequent issue for me. It seems like every time I go to plug my Kobo e-reader in it doesn’t connect properly and I do it infrequently enough that I don’t always have everything I need ready.

The resolution for not being able to connect

It seems to always be one of two things:

  • Need to try another USB cable
  • Use a different USB port

I’m not up to speed on hardware enough to understand the issue but that’s really it. Grab a few USB cables and make sure you are trying different ports. If you’re still struggling I’ve read other people online mention factory resetting their e-reader.

Other musings on my Kobo e-reader

I really love this device. It’s one of my favorite tech purchases I’ve made. I’m certainly reading a lot more since I’ve gotten it. I decided to go with the Kobo brand because of the ease of managing non-proprietary e-books, the only sort I have. I decided to get the Kobo Forma because of the size and physical buttons. At the time I bought it I thought the waterproofness was neat, but I’ve never actually founds that feature useful. Click on my link below to see it on Amazon. This is an affiliate link so I’ll get a small cut if you make a purchase.

Click here to see the Kobo Libra on Amazon!