Does AWS provide VPS?

Does AWS provide VPS? The answer is yes, they most certainly do! Amazon Lightsail and Amazon EC2 are the VPS services.

What Are the VPS Services AWS Provides?

Lightsail and EC2 are the primary services you can think of as AWS VPS.

Amazon Lightsail

AWS does provide VPS with the Amazon Lighsail service. Lightsail is an easy to use service which will give you click button deployments for many OS and application.

Does AWS provide VPS?  Amazon Lightsail offerings.

OS, applications, and stacks you can deploy to Amazon Lightsail with a button click

Hosting Prices and Get 3 Months Free

Click here or the link below to read about AWS VPS hosting prices to compare the offerings and learn how to get 3 months for free.

Click the link here to read more about Amazon Lightsail features.

Amazon EC2

EC2 is the other VPS offering. EC2 is a bit harder to use and is really intended to be used in applications which are designed to auto scale. To learn more about EC2 read Amazon’s page here.