AWS SAM in a Docker Container

If you’ve worked on even one Lambda function then you know that development without local testing can be slow. In this article we will go over using AWS SAM to startup an API on port 3000 with API Gateway and Lambda locally inside of a docker container nested inside another Docker container running AWS SAM for portability, ease of use, and easier integration into larger products / end-to-end suites. If this sounds useful to you keep on reading....

February 23, 2022 · 4 min · chart

WSL 2 Docker running slow

Yesterday I discovered my new Alpine Linux WordPress container had terrible latency when loading any pages. Running docker stats I could see the issue was not related to resources. A google search brought up this issue on the WSL GitHub project. It turns out there are very low throughput speeds when accessing the Windows file system in a WSL container. This is exactly what I was doing, hosting my WordPress files on the Windows file system instead of in WSL’s file system....

December 23, 2020 · 1 min · chart