aws:asset:path - Guide to using aws:asset:path in CloudFormation

aws:asset:path is a type of metadata which can be configured in CloudFromation for a Lambda function. Below are my notes on how to use it, specifically for use with AWS SAM directly with standard CloudFormation. Use aws:asset:path to specify the location of code for Lambda Function in CloudFormation for use with SAM. Using SAM with a plain CloudFormation template, not a SAM template, works just fine. In order to use AWS SAM though you must provide a Metadata section for the lambda function at the same level as Type: and Properties:....

September 22, 2022 · 2 min · chart

Learning the AWS CDK

CloudFormation written in Python? Yes! After using the CDK for a bit, I believe it will be replacing CloudFormation for most AWS IaC in the coming years. The CDK is a layer of abstraction built on top of CloudFormation(CF). It allows you to write a condensed, but more powerful form of CF in one of several programming languages(JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Java, and C#). You utilize AWS Constructs to more concisely deploy infra....

January 11, 2021 · 1 min · chart