AWS Amplify Fix: A deployment is in progress

In this help article I’ll show you in this article how to quickly fix the error in AWS Amplify A deployment is in progress. Here’s the summary. There are two reasons this may occur. 1: something went wrong while running an amplify push, your terminal disconnected and the deployment-state.json file got left in the wrong state. The deployment is actually still in progress, go check the Console to see the status in CloudFormation....

February 3, 2023 · 2 min · chart

Example: Using an @hasmany in AWS Amplify with React NextJS

Here is an example of how to use an @hasmany relationship in AWS Amplify with React. I am attempting to create a user and then associate many ToDo items to this user. I have created a model for the user and a model for the ToDo item with a graphql schema. I associate the ToDo Item to the User with an @hasMany. All of this is done while using authentication....

February 3, 2023 · 2 min · chart