How to Use Tesseract OCR to Convert PDFs to Text

I have some PDFs which I need to get typed up into text to edit. I decided to go with Tesseract OCR as it seems to be the best tool for the job. Here are the steps for how to use Tesseract OCR to convert PDFs to text. Installation First things first, get Tesseract CLI installed. Follow the instructions here, these are linked to from the official Tesseract docs. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alex-p/tesseract-ocr-devel sudo apt-get update sudo apt install tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-eng Note: the package didn’t properly place the eng....

February 20, 2022 · 3 min · chart

How to Increase Your Python Aws Cdk Lambda Development Speed by Testing Locally with AWS SAM

Cross-post from: Medium This article explains how to locally test, with AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model), a Lambda function + API Gateway created with AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit). Python AWS CDK and SAM are a match made in heaven, or at least a match made in the cloud. This example uses the AWS CDK in Python. Using Python AWS CDK and SAM When using AWS CDK for your infrastructure as code, it can be a pain to figure out how to efficiently test your Lambda functions....

September 17, 2021 · 4 min · chart

Mac Tricks and Tips

I recently got a MacBook and am going to log all the tips and ticks I learn here while getting it just how I want it. This is essential a setup guide for myself if I need to setup another mac from scratch. Note: The mod key is what Mac calls ‘command’ Remap keys on specific external keyboard (fix Command/Mod and Ctrl/Option order) System Preferences > Keyboard > Modifier Keys…...

March 5, 2021 · 2 min · chart

Ubuntu 20.04: Clementine error - "Your gstreamer installation is missing a plugin"

Your gstreamer installation is missing a plugin Your gstreamer installation is missing a plugin Your gstreamer installation is missing a plugin I ran into the above error upon first installing Clementine. The fix was strait forward, just install with the below command. $ sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-libav Source - xezpeleta’s comment

February 23, 2021 · 1 min · chart

CloudFront 494 Error - Quick Fix

My team ran into a 494 error earlier this week coming out of CloudFront. The first few files requested from CloudFront would be successful, then we would hit the 494 error and most requests after that, but not all, would fail. The first place we looked was CloudFront logs, but these 494 requests weren’t getting logged at all. After some troubleshooting we narrowed the issue down to header size. Solution for CloudFront 494 Error Some functionality was added which increased the size of one of the headers....

February 5, 2021 · 1 min · chart

AWS CDK: Avoiding CDK stack dependency errors on updates

Have you encountered an error such as the one below? Export my-stack-1:ExportsOutputRefMyResource6724B74E921810D3 cannot be deleted as it is in use by my-stack-2 This is because: A resource created by has created an export is using this export in one of it’s resources You are attempting to change or remove the resource in, altering the export How can this error be worked around? One method would be to tear down my-stack-2, update my-stack-1, then re-deploy my-stack-2....

February 1, 2021 · 1 min · chart