Using DinkToPDF on Alpine Linux

One of my recent projects has been containerizing a .NET Core 2.1 application which uses DinkToPDF for producing PDFs. I always default to Alpine for my containers. Here I’ll describe using DinkToPDF on Alpine Linux. At the time of writing, the current version of Alpine in 3.12, that is what I started with. My Alpine Linux Environment I am doing my testing in a container built from The Issue with DinkToPDF This error was getting throw each time I tried to use Dink....

December 16, 2020 · 3 min · chart

Amazon Connect "Error while loading chat transcript amazon connect" when initiating chat monitoring

I received the following error when trying to start monitoring a live chat in Amazon Connect. Error while loading chat transcript amazon connect Please try again. If the error persists contact your administrator. This seems to be a glitch in Amazon connect. The steps I found to replicate this issue are: Open the CCP Take a chat That chat is ended either by you or the customer Set my CCP to offline...

November 10, 2020 · 1 min · chart

Cooking with the DevOps Engineer - Pumpkin Roast

Source Recipe, please make sure to give them a page view. All the ingredients ready to go Time Requirements Grocery Store - ~45 minutes as I had to go to 2 stores Total Working Time - 1h for me Cooking - 6-8h Acquire Ingredients and Tooling Do this before you start. Double check you have everything you think you do because bad assumptions may lead to another grocery store trip. “Measure twice, cut once....

October 8, 2020 · 5 min · chart

Fix error sam deploy unable to locate credentials using AWS SAM with AWS CLI v2 SSO

I got this error sam deploy unable to locate credentials when trying to use AWS SAM with AWS CLIv2 SSO. Error: Unable to upload artifact myAPIName referenced by CodeUri parameter of myAPIName resource. Unable to locate credentials In summary, the fix is to update SAM. The issue: sam deploy unable to locate credentials First, I signed into AWS SSO with the profile I wanted to use. $ aws sso login --profile new-dev-sso Then, I tried to run sam deploy....

October 7, 2020 · 1 min · chart

Taking Off Into The Cloud: Guide On How To Get Your First AWS DevOps Job

This article is my attempt to describe the best way to get your first job in DevOps working with AWS services, either for people with previous tech experience or none. If you are starting on this journey feel free to leave a comment so I can give personalized advice. Who this article geared towards? This article is geared more towards people who are completely new to the cloud and possibly completely new to IT all together....

October 1, 2020 · 10 min · chart

Bash: Or in an until or while loop

Problem How do you write a while or until loop in bash which uses or in the condition? Solution The example is going to run until $a is A, $b is B, or $c is C #Example until loop waiting for one of the 3 conditions to evaluate to false. This loop will only run through once. a='' until [[ "$a" == 'A' || "$b" == 'B' || "$c" == 'C' ]]; do echo "waiting....

September 30, 2020 · 1 min · chart